Bricklane - Goose Beak / Maroon


The Brick Lane Pannier is a roll up pannier inspired by the Cyclists' Hold-alls first featured in the 1890's Brooks catalogue. As with the originals, these panniers can be rolled up to be easily released when needed. A pannier to be draped over the rear rack, the Brick Lane is made of water-resistant cotton with leather finishing and features crossed elastic straps to fasten additional objects to carry during urban transit. The Brick Lane Roll Up Panniers attach to most racks with a width between 10 and 15 cm. Made in Italy.

Plus d’information
Prix public conseillé 200,00 €
Couleur Orange
Barcode 802189057971
Référence founisseur BB00100A07249
Size description 350x120x360mm
Usage Ville
Litrage 15L
Revêtement Cotton canvas
Collection Bricklane
Fixation Straps
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